our universe
M81 Bode's Galaxy

4/2/2025 AAM San Benedetto Po, 16 mt, t=-3°, sqm=19.05
GSO 16" @ f/6.5, Qhy268m, 10micron Gm4000, L= 149 x 180s
Takahashi BRC 10" @ f10,
Asi071mc, 10micron Gm2000, RGB= 238 x 180s

Total Integration: 19h 21m, Voyager, PixInsight

Photo taken thanks to the equipment provided by the Aldo Righelli Astronomical Observatory of the Mantovani Astrophiles Association.

From Wiki... Messier 81 (also known as NGC 3031 or Bode's Galaxy) is a grand design spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. It has a D25 isophotal diameter of 29.44 kiloparsecs (96,000 light-years).Because of its relative proximity to the Milky Way galaxy, large size, and active galactic nucleus (which harbors a 70 million M☉ supermassive black hole), Messier 81 has been studied extensively by professional astronomers ...
M45 Pleiades, the Seven Sisters

30/11/2024 OMB Novezzina, 1250 mt, t=-2°, sqm=20.09
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.0, Asi 2600mc, Avalon Linear, Voyager, Pixinsight

Integration: Baader UvIrCut 100x180s, Total Integration: 5h 0m

From Wiki...   The Pleiades, also known as Seven Sisters and Messier 45, is an asterism of an open star cluster containing young B-type stars in the northwest of the constellation Taurus. At a distance of about 444 light-years, it is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and the nearest Messier object to Earth, being the most obvious star cluster to the naked eye in the night sky. It is also observed ...
IC1396 Elephant's Trunk Nebula

9/9/2024 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=19.22
Canon EF 200 f/2.0, Asi 2600mc, Avalon Linear, Voyager, Pixinsight

Integration: Optolong L-eNhance 57x360s, Total Integration: 5h 42m

From Wiki...   The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust within the much larger ionized gas region IC 1396 located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth. The piece of the nebula shown here ...
Sadr Region

10-11/07/2024 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=19.01
Canon EF 200 f/2.0, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight

Integration: Ha 20x300s, Oiii 16x300s, RGB 3x20x30s, Total Integration: 3h 30m

From Wiki...   The Sadr Region (also known as IC 1318 or the Gamma Cygni Nebula) is the diffuse emission nebula surrounding Sadr (γ Cygni) at the center of Cygnus's cross. The Sadr Region is one of the surrounding nebulous regions; others include the Butterfly Nebula and the Crescent Nebula. It contains many dark nebulae in addition to ... 
Veil Nebula

8-9/07/2024 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=19.00
Canon EF 200 f/2.0, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight

Integration: Ha 29x300s, Oiii 32x300s, RGB 3x20x30s, Total Integration: 5h 35m

From Wiki...   The Veil Nebula is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus. It constitutes the visible portions of the Cygnus Loop, a supernova remnant, many portions of which have acquired their own individual names and catalogue identifiers. The source supernova was a star 20 times ... 
Sh2-132 (Lion Nebula) and Pk 102-2.1 (Planetary Nebula)

10-11-12/09/2023 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=19.17
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.6
, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: Ha 25x600s, Oiii 18x600s, RGB 3x20x30s, Total Integration: 7h 40m

From Wiki...   Sh2-132 is a large emission nebula visible in the constellation Cepheus. It is located on the southern edge of the constellation, a short distance from the border with the Lizard, along the plane of the Milky Way. Sh2-132 is located at a distance of almost 3200 parsecs (almost 10400 light years), thus placing ... 
IC5146 Cocoon Nebula

18-19-20/08/2021 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=19.27
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.6
, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: Sii 45x480s, Ha 39x480s, Oiii 35x480s, Total Integration: 15h 52m

From Wiki...   IC 5146 (also Caldwell 19, Sh 2-125, Barnard 168, and the Cocoon Nebula) is a reflection/emission nebula object in the constellation Cygnus. The NGC description refers to IC 5146 as a cluster of 9.5 mag stars involved in a bright and dark nebula ... 
M31 Andromeda Galaxy

14/10/2021 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=18.90, Ha
27/10/2022 Novezzina, 1250 mt, sqm=20.85, RGB
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.6
, Asi 2600mm/mc, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: Ha 47x600s, RGB 107x240s, Total Integration: 14h 58m

From Wiki...   The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224 and originally the Andromeda Nebula, is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years (770 kiloparsecs) from Earth and the nearest large galaxy to the Milky Way. The galaxy's name ... 
Sh2-126 in Lacerta

8/9/2021 Passo Pradarena, 1574 mt, sqm=20.70
Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/3.5, Asi2600mc, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: 67x360s, Total Integration: 6h 42m

AstroBin Top Pick

From Wiki...   Sh2-126 is a visible emission nebula in the Lacerta constellation. It is identified in the southern part of the constellation, about 1 ° westward with respect to the star 10 Lacertae, a blue star of main sequence of spectral class O9V; invisible to simple observation with amateur instruments due to its weakness... 

NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula and his neighbors

1-2/9/2021 Poggio Rusco
, 16 mt, sqm=19.20
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.0
, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: Ha 37x480s, OIII 48x480s, Total Integration: 11h 20m

From Wiki...   NGC 7380 is a young open cluster of stars in the northern circumpolar constellation of Cepheus. The surrounding emission nebulosity is known colloquially as the Wizard Nebula, which spans an angle of 25′. It is extremely difficult to observe visually, usually requiring very dark skies and an O-III filter. The NGC 7380 complex is located at a distance of approximately 8.5 kilolight-years from the Sun, in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way... 

NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula and PNG 75.5+1.7 Soap Bubble Nebula

8-15/8/2021 Poggio Rusco
, 16 mt, sqm=18.80
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/5.0
, Asi 2600mm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: Ha 75x480s, OIII 83x480s, Total Integration: 21h 4m

Juza Editor's Pick     AstroBin Top Pick

From Wiki...   The Crescent Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus... 

From Wiki...   The Soap Bubble Nebula is a planetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus... 
Wide Field Sh2-101, Tulip Nebula Region

/2021 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, sqm=18.97
Canon EF 200 f/2.0, Asi 2600mc, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: 40x180s, Total Integration: 2h 0m

From Wiki...   Sharpless 101 (Sh2-101) is a H II region emission nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It is sometimes also called the Tulip Nebula because it appears to resemble the outline of a tulip when imaged photographically. It was catalogued by astronomer Stewart Sharpless in his 1959 catalog of nebulae. It lies at a distance of about 6,000 light-years from Earth... 

Gamma Cygni Region in Halpha

/2021 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, 8°c, sqm=18.95
Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/2.8, Asi 2600mm, Baader Ha 7nm, Avalon Linear, Pixinsight
Integration: 24x300s, Total Integration: 2h 0m

From Wiki...   Gamma Cygni (γ Cygni, abbreviated Gamma Cyg, γ Cyg), officially named Sadr, is a star in the northern constellation of Cygnus, forming the intersection of an asterism of five stars called the Northern Cross. Based upon parallax measurements obtained during the Hipparcos mission, it is approximately 1,800 light-years from the Sun... 

Ngc7000 Nord America and Ic5070 Pelican Nebulae

8/2020 Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, 20°c, sqm=19.60
Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/2.0, Canon EOS 60D Astrodon Inside @ 1600 ISO, Avalon Linear
Integration: 219x60s, Total Integration: 3h 39m

From Wiki...   The North America Nebula (NGC 7000 or Caldwell 20) is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, close to Deneb (the tail of the swan and its brightest star)... 

Mineral Moon

5/2020 Poggio Rusco
Takahashi FS78, Asi178mc, Takahashi EM200
Integration: 250x0.400ms

From Wiki...   The Moon is an astronomical body orbiting Earth and is the planet's only natural satellite. It is the fifth-largest satellite in the Solar System, and by far the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that it orbits. The Moon is, after Jupiter's satellite Io, the second-densest satellite in the Solar System among those whose densities are known...

Cr399, The Coat Hanger

7/2019 OMB Novezzina, 1250 mt, 17°c, sqm=20.60
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.0, Canon EOS 60D @ 1600 ISO, Avalon Linear
Integration: 57x150s, Total Integration: 2h 22m

From Wiki...   Brocchi's Cluster (also known as Collinder 399, Cr 399 or Al Sufi's Cluster) is a random grouping of stars located in the constellation Vulpecula near the border with Sagitta. The members of the star cluster form an asterism which has given rise to its name as the Coathanger...

Ic1805 Heart Nebula

Poggio Rusco, 16 mt, 15°c, sqm=19.60
Takahashi FSQ106 EDX IV @ f/3.0, Canon EOS 60D @ 1600 ISO, Avalon Linear
Integration: 92x180s, Total Integration: 4h 36m

From Wiki...   The Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sharpless 2-190, lies some 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was discovered by William Herschel on 3 November 1787. It is an emission nebula showing glowing ionized hydrogen gas and darker dust lanes...

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